Addiction can affect anyone at any time, impacting all aspects of life. It leaves many feeling like a shell of themselves. Without purpose. Without hope.
Thousands struggle not knowing that victory is within reach.
Our Victorious Living program aims to provide simple and practical tools to gain victory. Through a natural approach the symptoms of withdrawal are first addressed and as the body is cleansed the mind becomes clear and receptive. Bible-based health presentations acquaint participants with the far-reaching implications of their choices. As they learn how to strengthen their will, they are daily encouraged to connect with the True Source of Power in order to be victorious.
What's Included

Whole Food,
Plant-based Meals
Simply and naturally prepared meals aiding the body's healing process

Cooking Class
Hands-on instruction in the preparation of healthful foods

Wifi Free Zone
A distraction-free environment in a remote location suited to calm the mind and elevate the thoughts

Natural Environment
Located on 240 acres of rolling hills, forest, fields and streams

Daily Devotionals
Morning and evening devotionals to learn Biblical principles for an abundant life

Moderate daily exercise to strengthen and invigorate the body and balance the mind

Health Presentations
Science-based presentations teaching
health principles and how to strengthen the will

Simple, yet effective treatments utilizing water to help in the removal of toxins from the system

Natural Remedies
External and internal use of activated charcoal to aid the body in the process of detoxification

Re-Creation involves simple activities such as woodwork, painting, biking and singing

Useful Hands
Practical activities to encourage usefulness and a positive attitude towards service

Program Cost
(inclusive Registration Fee)
A non-refundable deposit is required to reserve a place in all programs.
Balance of the program costs is due upon arrival. Refunds or program discounts are not available for late arrival or early departure.
If transportation from the airport or bus station to Butler Creek is needed, the transportation fee has to be paid at the time of registration.
Destination within a 25 miles radius of Butler Creek $45.00
Florence, AL Bus Station $45.00
Huntsville, AL Airport (HSV) $200.00
Pick-up Times Florence/Huntsville Drop-off Times
10:00 AM–7:00 PM 10:00 AM-7:00 PM
Services close between 3:00 PM Friday and 10:00 AM on Sunday
A refundable room deposit of $250 is required upon acceptance into the program.
This deposit will be refunded one week after the completion of the program, if the room is undamaged and no institutional items, such as towels, etc. are missing. Butler Creek is a non-smoking facility. If participants smoke in their room, leave the room in a damaged condition or take institutional items with them, the deposit will be kept in order to cover the incurred costs.
Butler Creek accepts all major credit cards, cash, or checks written to Butler Creek. To register by phone, contact: 931-213-1329.
Participants of the Addiction Recovery Program are not allowed to have their cellphones or any other media/electronic devices.
If a family member or friend of a lifestyle guest wishes to visit Butler Creek during the program, the cost is $80 per day (meals included).